How Many Digits Are Phone Numbers In Germany

Phone numbers in Germany consist of an area code followed by a local phone number. The length of a German phone number can vary depending on the type of number and the region it belongs to. In general, German phone numbers have a total length of between 8 and 11 digits.

The first digit of a German phone number is always a 0. This is followed by the area code, which consists of 2 to 5 digits depending on the region. For example, the area code for Berlin is 030, while the area code for Munich is 089. The area code is always required when making a call to a German phone number from outside the country.

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After the area code, the local phone number follows. The length of the local phone number can vary, but is typically between 3 and 8 digits. In some regions, the local phone number may have an additional digit, making it a total of 9 digits long.

Mobile phone numbers in Germany have a total length of 11 digits. They start with the prefix 01, which is followed by the network code. The network Germany Phone Number List code is three digits long and identifies the mobile network provider. Finally, the local phone number follows, which is typically 7 digits long.

Phone Number List

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In summary, the number of digits in a German phone number can range from 8 to 11 digits depending on the type of number and the region it belongs to. Area IT Cell Number codes range from 2 to 5 digits, while local phone numbers range from 3 to 8 digits. Mobile phone numbers have a total length of 11 digits, with a network code of 3 digits and a 7-digit local phone number.

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