Some Also Have A Different Structure

The idea is good but not everything is so simple because Yandex has restrictions on this you cannot use category names as keys and you cannot use keys include in these categories There are two ways out of the situation Go through selection. Start from the analysis of competitors at least in terms of categories and names. The main thing is that the name reflects the main activity of the company. Sometimes this gives a greater result than a thoughtlessly inserte key. From our experience Andrey Kolosovtsev Was It became DIUS Dius web studio SEO promotion at the same time.

Everyone Should Have Their Own

Yandex did not like the word SEO promotion displaying the studio card on maps PlastDecorWindow PlastDecorWindow cheap plastic windowsdisplaying the PlastDecorWindow company card on maps Andrey Kolosovtsev Psychologist Andrei Kolosovtsevdisplaying the psychologists card on the maps . Depending on the selecte categories and the degree Suriname Email List of content of the Information tab you will have different opportunities for the next section Services. For some this is a list of services provide beauty salon shop car service tire fitting cafe from which you nee to select the ones you nee for someone its just a choice of payment form. This section also nees to be fille to the maximum The next prerequisite is a photo of the office.

Country Email List

Information In The Header Footer

How to add a photo to Yandex Maps you nee to go to the appropriate tab click on the gray box with the camera icon and select the image you nee on the device there are no restrictions on the number. Then it remains only to wait for moderation which IT Cell Number takes about five working days Details and price list at will. But if the profile is less than complete it is better to add details. For some activities they are mandatory for some they are not. This can only be verifie empirically if all the fields in the Information Services and Photo tabs are fille out but the profile is not more than full the details are neee Why is profile completeness important It improves the visibility of your organization in Yandex Maps by and makes it possible to personally control eits in the card.

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