These are just a few of the items that we check

These are just a few of the items that we check for. The bottom line is that it takes a while to assess technical seo. Create our recommendations. And then implement the recommendations. However. This is an important step and it is totally worth it. Ongoing seo work takes time. As well latest database The […]

When we take on seo work for our clients

When we take on seo work for our clients. It is a multi-step process that works every time. There are two phases- the initial phase. Where we analyze the existing state of the seo and check the technical elements in our seo audit. And the ongoing phase that involves activities like maintenance. Checking analytics. And […]

what it is and what SEO is for other countries

Nowadays we all know the importance of SEO when it comes to achieving an effective digital strategy for our business. Presence and positioning in search engines has been revealed. As one of the essential ingredients other countries for our products and services to reach the right audience. But like any tool with the potential to […]

centralize tasks from different projects in Todoist

Hey Freely, I’ve given you access to an Asana project. There we are making progress… And you, who like to please, nod while your nostrils flare as you resist the cry that. centralize tasks comes from within you  now that I had everything organized in Todoist and my era of productivity was going to begin.” […]

Create Inventory and Enter Your Products

Separate your products by categories and sections, add photographs and. Create Inventory useful and necessary information about each of the products. Make sure the photographs are real, preferably yours and not taken from an Internet gallery. The shopping cart is one of the main features of a virtual store so make sure yours assists your […]

What Exactly It is How to Create One and How It Works

If you are looking to start your business, you no longer even need. What Exactly to rent a location, currently you can do it through a virtual store. This online space allows you to sell your products and offer your services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via the Internet. Digital transformation has […]

Txt Files and How to Use Them Correctly in Your Website’s SEO

Robots.txt are files used to facilitate the navigation of a search algorithm on a website. Guiding which pages should be indexed in search engines and controlling which. Pages the search engine robot should not access. Making sure your site appears in user searches is essential.  Txt Files to the success of any Digital Marketing strategy […]

Franchises in Mexico That You Can Look at in Detail to Scale Your Businesses

Opening franchises in Mexico can be an interesting business opportunity. Franchises in since it allows you to scale the reach of companies that operated in a part of the national territory. Franchises in Mexico have emerged as a successful marketing model with a great positive impact for the country. Generating more than 700 thousand jobs, […]

How Important is Brand Activation for Companies

Activation Marketing plays a fundamental role in the strategy of.  How Important a company that needs to stay in the market and gain space in a certain niche. Apart from investing in Inbound Marketing , an essential tool in the digital age in which we live. It is essential to be physically present where your […]