Barilla unveils a gadget that cooks pasta without scorching the planet

Barilla unveils in Europe, citizens have been exhausted lately by the galloping price of inflation and the corrosive impact of fossil fuels on the environment. In this gloomy context, Barilla has decided to do its part to provide some encouragement to the suffocated planet Earth by creating an intelligent device that reduces carbon emissions during the cooking of its famous Italian pasta.

The popular transalpine brand has launched

A campaign signed by Publicis category email list Italia/Le. Pub in which it recovers the traditional way of preparing pasta : the so-called passive cooking. According to this method. After letting the pasta cook in boiling water for two minutes. You must proceed to turn off the heat and let the pasta cook passively. With the lid of the pot on until it is ready. To promote its fabulous invention. Barilla has created a campaign permeated with retro inspiration that bears. The signature of the artistic collective Toiletpaper led by the artist. Maurizio Cattelan and the photographer Pierpaolo Ferrari.

The gadget, whose technology is open source

Has been developed by Le Garage, the IT Cell Number technology studio of Publicis Italia/Le Pub , and connects to the user’s smartphone through an app that exceptionally accurately measures the optimal cooking time and sends an alert when the pasta is finally ready. This phenomenal invention reduces carbon emissions by 80% compared to the usual pasta cooking method. Barilla has also created a WhatsApp Bot equipped with a step-by-step guide that novice cooks can use to make sure they prepare the pasta correctly.

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