Content Refresh Boost Traffic With Updated Content

Refreshing existing content is a smart strategy for maximizing your website’s performance without constantly churning out new content. It’s a quicker process than creating entirely new pieces, and it can help maintain or even boost your rankings in search engine results.You’ve just checked the metrics on a piece you wrote a few weeks back and are horrified. Somehow, without you picking up on it, the impressions on that killer post you put together have dropped considerably.

4 Reasons Why a Content Update Is a Good Strategy

Which content you pick for a refresh depends on your aim and the original piece of content’s purpose. If a piece was developed to raise Whatsapp Number List awareness of a particular issue (top-of-the-funnel content), but you’re now trying to use it to sell a service or product, you might as well re-write the content.

Points To Consider When Content Refreshing
Consider the following points when undertaking a refresh. Many will directly impact (positively or negatively) the SEO of the piece you’re working on:

The piece in question contains outdated statistics and information, or there have been changes in your industry that affect how you do business. Examples included changes to legislation or new discoveries.
The piece has started to see a marked drop in rankings on Google: content decay.
You want to out-compete your competitors’ content.
The piece does not meet the search intent it was designed for or does not answer your customers’ questions.
The piece has high traffic but is not converting well.
The age of the piece: Content should be at least 90 days old to allow Google to index it before you start making any significant changes.

How To Plan for and Update Content

First, start by conducting a content audit. Review your existing content and think about what you want to achieve. Use the points that we set out earlier in this article as a starting point for your process.

Make a list of content you feel fits the criteria for a refresh. How you prioritize is up to you, but we suggest you start with the content IT Cell Number you think will get the most considerable boost from a refresh but be the easiest to update.

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