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Wordstat Yandex to view keyword impression statistics Yandex. Wordstat for viewing keyword impression statistics. The Wordstat interface consists of. Query strings where you can enter the name of the product or service. Section By words where you can see the frequency of phrases phrase options in which the type keywords participate as well as in the second column queries are similar to the type phrase. You can also refine the statistics by selecting a specific region on the right next to the Select button. Section By regions which shows the popularity of the phrase by region and CIS countries.

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Section History of requests in which you can see the distribution of demand by months for the last years. For example we enter Stretch ceilings. Wordstat Yandex impression statistics without specifying the region Wordstat shows that these words have participate in various forms of search queries on Yandex over the past days times. But these are impressions Oman Email List for all regions where the Yandex search engine is available. Lets specify the region and choose Moscow and the region. Wordstat Yandex impression statistics for Moscow and the region We see that there are fewer requests but still the demand is quite high. The second important indicator that Wordstat reflects is seasonality that is how the interest of visitors to certain products is distribute over the past years.

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A Summary Of The Speech Consists

To do this we rearrange the selection button to History of requests. Wordstat Yandex selecte impression history for the phrase stretch ceilings The service shows a graph and a table with numbers. It can be seen that demand is even without obvious IT Cell Number seasonal fluctuations the only one was an outbreak of interest in October although this was not observe in . To see more pronounce fluctuations in demand over time lets look at a seasonal item such as fur coats. Wordstat Yandex selecte impression history for the phrase in Moscow buy a fur coat According to the graph it can be seen that growth begins in September reaches its peak by midDecember and then begins to fade until March. According to the graph we can see when the number of hits can be large and when it can be low.

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