Living in a Digital Advertising World

Businesses that remain steadfast to their ways and fail to adapt to industry trends will fall behind their competitors who diversify their media strategies and give digital advertising the weight it deserves. I say this because the world we live in today is filled with businesses of all different shapes and sizes. Some are new businesses trying to build brand recognition, while others are established organizations that have been around for generations. But no matter the industry, size, or age of a business, each one’s success is largely based on their approach to advertising.

The advertising industry is changing, fast. And it always has been. Digital advertising broke into the marketing scene surrounded by questions and doubt. In the years that followed, businesses soon began to see the advantages that digital advertising offered, and as media strategies began to move money away from traditional media and toward tactics like programmatic, sem, and mobile advertising, the industry began to shift.

Next year will mark an important moment in the shift from

Traditional media to digital advertising as it’s projected that. Total spend on digital advertising will surpasses tv for the first time. In history. In my blog today, I’ll go over the projection in a recent study that outline. This change and talk telemarketing list providers about what this industry. Shift means for businesses looking to make an impact in 2017.

Future advertising projections
According to emarketer’s newest quarterly ad spending. Forecast, next year will see spending on digital advertising. Equal $77.37 billion or 38.4% of total ad spending throughout all media sources. Compared. To tv’s projected 35.8% spending, 2017 will be the first time digital. Advertising will surpass tv as the leading source of advertising.

This will be a big moment for the advertising industry as a whole

But it shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who’s been paying attention to the exponential growth of digital trends over the pay few years. Mobile advertising for example has exploded as more and more people not only own smartphones, but also use them as a way to stay connected to their personal and business lives. The emarketer article explains:

“not surprisingly, mobile continues to IT Cell Number drive growth within overall digital ad spending. Mobile ad spending in the us will grow 38.0% this year to equal $43.60 billion. That means mobile represents 63.4% of total digital ad spending in the us this year.”

Tv and other traditional advertising will continue to play a major role in future media strategies because of upcoming events like the presidential race and the summer olympics. Prime commercial time during these events will be valuable and expensive for businesses looking to promote their businesses.

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