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The SSH key is set save once it does not nee to be entere every time as it would be in the case of a password. But keep in mind that if you password protecte access to the SSH key then this password will have to be entere every time. Where to store SSH keys So we realize that it is worth taking care of the correct storage of the private SSH key. There are several options. You can store keys on various types of external drives flash drives removable SSD drives etc. Naturally they must be store in a secure place. Carrying a USB flash drive with SSH keys as a keychain is definitely not worth it.

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You can also store the key on a virtual disk. This cannot be calle a fully secure option but in the event of a data leak attackers will still nee to figure out where to apply the SSH key. Suitable for these purposes and special password managers which are sharpene for their storage. For example Bitwarden Keeper Passbolt and others. The choice of software should Albania Email List also be approache responsibly. If you are a Selectel customer you can use the secret manager . The service is currently in beta which affects its functionality but you can store SSH keys in it. They are protecte by two factor authentication of the my selectel control panel.

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Secret Manager How to use an SSH key To connect to the server using an SSH key you nee to generate it. How to do this quickly enough we describe in detail in the instructions . In Selectel this key can be specifie immeiately when ordering a deicate or IT Cell Number cloud server. You can also install an SSH key on the server using the terminal CLI . In the directory where the key pair is locate you nee to copy the generate SSH public key and paste it into the list of authorize public keys on the server. To the home username ssh authorize keys folder where username is your username. SSH Key Authentication To test the operation of the SSH key lets look at the authentication process in more detail.

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